
The Never Not Knitting Podcast : Episode 88 : Interview With Kitterly

Episode 88


Enter to win a free kit of your choice from Kitterly.com! Please leave a comment below with your contact information by March 15th to enter. Only one comment per person please. 
The winner will be announced in Episode 89! 

Special promotion: Use coupon code "STITCHES2015" to receive 15% off of your next kit purchase on kitterly.com! 

Thank you for listening!


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Lucy said...

I just heard about kitterly. Amazing! I can't wait to listen to your podcast!

timothyandreas28 said...

I cant wait to see Kitterly expand its offering! im thelostgeek on Ravelry.

StikineStix said...

So excited about kitterly! Stikinestix on rav.

Emily Ross said...

How wonderful! Thanks for all you do for the world of fiber!! Mop Lover on Ravelry!!

Emily Ross said...

How wonderful! Thanks for all you do for the world of fiber!! Mop Lover on Ravelry!!

Rebecca said...

Kitterly surely is making an impact these days! Thanks for the giveaway. knittingwithwords on Rav

UmmRania said...

What an amazing giveaway and such a cool site! Ummrania on rav

Merna said...

Kitterly is such a good idea, pairing great patterns with wonderful yarn and letting one add all the necessary accessories to the same order.
mlbs on rav

Pam Larsen said...

Thanks for the amazing giveaway... Pamlarsen on rav

andrea m said...

Thanks forvthe wonderful give away and your amazing designs

Jenelle said...

I really like this concept. I remember as a new knitter how frustrating it could be to go to my LYS and try to find yarn, realize I needed to sub yarn because they didn't carry the recommended one, and then find the right needles for the gauge. I like that everything is offered as an add-on too so that if you have a needle set you can just pick up the pattern and yarn. Thanks for the giveaway!

TracyC611 said...

It's a great idea, hope it does well. Tracyc611 on Ravelry

lmecoll on Ravlery said...

I'd love to try a Kitterly kit. Thanks for the chance to win one.
Lmecoll on Ravelry

Unknown said...

I think your kits are fabulous. I'd love to win one.
Elizalit on Ravelry

LindaR said...

Kitterly is such a great idea. Thanks for the chance to win a kit.
lindarumsey on Ravelry

Unknown said...

That' a wonderful giveaway. I'm iosi in ravelry

Bonnie said...

Love the Podcast. Thanks.
Ravelry ID: bonniebon

Anonymous said...

Thanks for letting us know about this product. I think it is a winner. I would love to win this. melanie1 on Rav

Anonymous said...

Thanks for letting us know about this product. I think it is a winner. I would love to win this. melanie1 on Rav

mariaeb on Ravelry said...

Kitterly truly rocks and your new sweater design is lovely! Thank you for another great podcast.

Deb said...

Kitterly looks like an interesting idea, it won't help me reduce my stash, but it can't always be about that!

Pollystyle Artisanal Baked Goods said...

I just explored Kitterly this week. What a great concept. Can't wait to order my first kit!

Suzanne said...

I'm excited to learn more about Knitterly and watch it prosper.

Unknown said...

Hello :-]
Great podcast. I would realy like to have that kit.

mmorans said...

I think Kitterly is a great idea. The website is super easy to use.

Carla said...

What fun- I would love to win a kit!!

asp said...

I'd love to give jittery a try. Thanks.

Brenda said...

It's nice to see that knitting is moving and changing with the times. A kit would be exciting, too!

Unknown said...

What a great kit! Thank you Kitterky. Hope I win!
Mimixthree on revelry

Unknown said...

I really appreciated your interview with Kitterly. I saw your new pattern on ravelry and that it was an exclusive but had not visited their site. I have a suggestion for them. It would be nice to be able to easily change the suggested needles to larger or smaller sizes based on your experience about whether you are a loose or tight knitter.

Great pattern!

Always knitting said...

Enjoying your website, patters, and podcast. I have also shared your theme song.
Have a great day.

Kathy said...

Getting ready to knit one of your hats. kathoderaytube on Ravelry.

the intrepid knitter said...

Great concept! Would love to win.

Unknown said...

Thank you for the wonderful giveaway!
bdgrammy on Rav

Ms. Swanson said...

Checking out Kitterly. Love the concept. Mags9k on Ravelry.

Anonymous said...

Once again thanks for your podcasts, really enjoying them! And loving Kitterly as well!
Greetings from DK
Kat (woollenaffairs @ gmail.com)

Wendy said...

Your sweater design is stunning!
Rav id: nendy

Rebecca said...

Lovely! dustytreeknits on Ravelry

Ellen said...

Very clever idea! I hope they are very successful!

Kelly said...

New podcast day AND contest? Yay and huzzah! Tenaciouscleo on Rav

Anonymous said...

Kitterly is a great concept. Best of luck! I am Mimers on Ravelry

Raitalammas said...

Thanks for your lovely podcast! I´m Lammas on Ravelry.

Unknown said...

I love the podcast! I can't wait to see the future offerings at Kitterly!

Bonnie said...

What beautiful kits. Love the podcast!

Silvermole said...

Thank you for your interview with Kitterly. I was at stitches and noticed a crowd around their booth.i was unable to figure out what they were about, thanks to you, now I know. I like their unique concept!

Kathy said...

I heard about Kitterly the other day and took a look around. They have some beautiful patterns/kits.

Jan said...

I discovered Kitterly on Zite and absolutely love the concept! Especially that the kits are coded to knitting levels. Great idea! Thanks, Alana for featuring them on your podcast!

Kim said...

Wow, that is an amazing prize. Kitterly looks interesting, I will definitely check it out.

Dariasmom on Ravelry

Ally D said...

Oh I love those kits! ally_mariko@me.com

Miss Cris said...

Kitterly is a very interesting concept for sure and might be worth trying out in the future. (cris.gilb24@hotmail.com)

Meike said...

Kitterly is such a cool Idea! I loved listening to the interview! I'm Schnitterling on ravelry

Unknown said...

What a very generous prize! I enjoyed the interview with Kitterly. Thank you!
On Rav EOTinKS

jamiew said...

I'm 2/3 through a sweater I purchased from kitterly & have been very happy. I would definitely order from them again. Thanks for bringing us the interview, it was neat to get to hear a bit about the process.

KJNetz said...

Very, very nice. Thank you so much for the opportunity!

Klaine said...

Wonderful shop and I love that you ship internationally!
I am Andersson on Ravelry.

cynthialeigh said...

Thank you for the chance to win and for the podcast!
cynthialeigh2 on Rav.

Sarah said...

I love your theme music, it always makes me smile!

I think kitterly is a very clever enterprise and I am excited to explore it further.

Jenni Lou said...

Great podcast and Kitterly is awesome. Thanks you!

Redrose_blackribbon said...

Sounds cool!
I'm serialknitter07 on Ravelry

Phil and Lorraine said...

Thanks for offering the kit. Love the Kitterly.com site.

Memryqlts on Ravelry

K1teach2 said...

What a wonderful giveaway! And Kitterly is a great concept. Wish they'd been around when I was learning to knit. I could sure have used the help in matching yarn to project and project to ability!
I'm k1teach2 on Ravelry.

yellowblue said...

Thanks so much for this giveaway and the podcast!

Jerry said...

Think of how many hours have been spent in yarn shops trying to decide on the right yarn only to walk out because you've run out of time!!!! Kitterly can help!

Melissa Littlefield said...

new episode! yay! can't wait to listen :)

mlittlefield on Ravelry

Unknown said...

Lovely episode as always 😊 I'm Knittobenice on ravelry.

Newmoon said...

Love the Kittery concept. There are days when all you want to do is knit not think about the details.


Chrissy said...

I would live to make my first sweater with a kit!

Robin V said...

Thanks for sharing the interview with Kitterly - what an interesting concept! Their website has some very tempting kits....

RobinV on Ravelry

Unknown said...

Love this concept.
Ellenlovee on Ravelry

Leisurely Lesley said...

Thank you so much for your podcasts. I listen and spin. Hope I win that kit.

Catie said...

A very interesting concept - I'd never heard of the site before.

Catiecat on Ravelry

Monica said...

Wonderful concept. I listen while I work, makes the day at the office more bearable!

mbk808 said...

Alana, i love your new sweater design.

Marybeth = outofthisworld on Rav

Anonymous said...

Want!!!!! amberweinberg on ravelry!

Lori360 said...

Great concept! Ldelbridge on ravelry

Unknown said...

Kitterly looks like an interesting idea. I'll check out some more of their kits.

alilou78 on Ravelry

Jane S. said...

What a great idea! I love kits because everything I need is right there, and I don't have to order things from 2 or 3 different places in order to start a project.

Really interesting podcast, thank you! :)

Unknown said...

This is a cool concept..Being a still fairly newer knitter I have skeins of yarn I bought that turned out to be the wrong yarn for the pattern I also had bought...Frustrating....This will make project put togethers practically perfect! I am wildpony2 on Ravelry.......thank you for great podcast, interview and giveaway!

Anonymous said...

I love kits! Kitterly.com seems right up my alley. Thanks for the chance to win. I'm ShadowAP on Rav.

Connie K. said...

Thanks for the chance to win - what a great giveaway!


gardendeeva said...

Thank you for the giveaway, and I love love love your new sweater pattern! Off to explore Kitterly...

gardendeeva on Ravelry

Gracieanne said...

Kitterly seems great and your new sweater pattern is fab!

Gracieanne on Ravelry

margaretk said...

Thanks for sharing the news about Kitterly. It looks like a great option for ordering a nicely curated collection.

Anonymous said...

What an awesome prize!! And that site... LOVE IT!
thetrish on Ravelry

katherinelynn_04 said...

I've been hearing a lot about kitterly this past week, it sounds like a great idea!

katherinelynn04 on rav

Lisaknits said...

Awesome giveaway
Rav lasknit2

Renee Anne said...

Interesting place. I'll have to scrounge around when I have a bit more time...but it looks lovely :)

~ renny1780 on Ravelry

JulieV said...

Thanks for a new knitting link to explore! -JulieKnits17 on Rav

Unknown said...

Thanks for the great interview from the folks at my favorite LYS, Knitculture Studio.

Lilo said...

That would be an awesome gift. :) LiloN on Ravelry.

Lucia said...

Great, I´m laeela on Ravelry.

Unknown said...

Enjoyed the show! You always have such wonderful information to share!
Happy Knitting,

Kate said...

I was looking at Kitterly the other day and admiring the beautiful kits. (I've already chosen the one I want - just in case!) chalimar16 on Ravelry

Unknown said...

I recently found your podcast, and I like it so much, I've gone back and listened to the last 2 years of shows! Beautiful patterns and yarn on Kitterly!

-cbud on Ravelry

Liz said...

Kitterly looks awesome and I am so excited about the Cable Leaf Pullover!
-lizsto on ravelry

Unknown said...

The Cable Leaf Pullover is beautiful! I'd love to win it : )
Kindly knitting ~ Sandra (haveyarnwillfly on ravelry)

Unknown said...

Looks like an awesome idea, especially for new knitters that don't have help nearby to get started. Great giveaway!

Anna said...

kitterly is a great Concept. I would love to win. And thank you for the podcast!

laceandcable said...

This is such great idea, especially for new knitters or as a gift! Thanks for the contest(and the podcast) Kathy(laceandcable on Rav)

Unknown said...

I always love you podcast....but this one with kitterly was wonderful, what a great idea! I would love to win this great gift! Keep up the great shows. Pam, nanapam18

Stephanie said...

What a great idea.

Betsy said...

Another great show. I get such good information from you thank you.
Will be checking out kitterly.

Unknown said...

Love the new ideas.

Heather in San Antonio.
Hfstanush on ravelry

d said...

Thank you all for such generosity!
bookboxer on Ravelry

Devin said...

What a neat site! Knitty McPurly on ravelry. :)

bahaisten said...

So pleased to hear about Kitterly! Sounds great!

Nicky said...

it looks great. nice and easy to look around .
nnzknitter on rav

Cammy said...

How lovely! aoife3088 on ravelry!

KC said...

Love this new site! I really appreciate that you have have the option of including the needles and stitch markers or not -- wasn't sure you'd be able to do that from the interview.
kconnors on Ravelry

Fiberknitche said...

This sounds like an excellent site!
hodges00 on rav

Laura said...

I just heard about kitterly from another designer too. Sounds like an interesting concept. Can't wait to hear the interview!

Rachelle said...

I'll have to take a look at Knitterly. I'm sewsable on Ravelry.

Unknown said...

What a generous gift from Kitterly!
VeganMonkeyMama on ravelry :)

Unknown said...

Just checked out the Knitterly site, what a great concept. I'm KnitsonWheels on Ravelry

Unknown said...

I was looking through the Kitterly website as soon as you started explaining it, what an awseome website! It will be great for gifts.
RavenAK on Ravelry

J said...

I just checked out the Kitterly website. Very interesting!!

Anonymous said...

Kitterly is absolutely brilliant! KnitTenFeet on Rav.

Jessica ATK said...

kitterly! the name!! what a lovely offering and what a lovely podcast - thank you. pomegranategirl on rav.

Rhee said...

Such a great idea!
solaire on Ravelry

Sabrinaquilts said...

I'm so glad you did this interview. Kitterly is a wonderful idea and I can't wait to so how it grows as it gets more exposure. Sabrinaquilts on Ralvery.

Unknown said...

Loving browsing on kitterly and I love your patterns - beautiful! I'm teajen on rav

Breadbun said...

Kitterly sounds a fabulous idea, I can't wait to check them out, thanks for another great podcast:)
Stitchygirl on Ravelry

Chloe said...

Love your new design and would love to try kitterly too. Thanks! Pygmina on ravelry

Kissed By Pixies said...

Love the podcast and the kit! Off to listen now. Lupaloo on ravelry. :)

lahlahland said...

Just checked out Kitterly.com, and it looks great! Thanks for telling us all about it! I'm lahlahland on Ravelry.

Lina said...

What an interesting concept! I'll have to take a look... What a cool way to bring the yarn store experience to the internet!
Dragonbard on Ravelry.

Holli said...

Love this idea of kitterly -- especially as gifts for friends. I'm definitely going to check it out and make a purchase -- thanks for the coupon code!

abbie said...

Kitterly looks like a lot of fun! Abbien on Ravelry

kjramstack said...

Thanks for a chance to win such an awesome kit!

Rav: wolfcreeker

sienf said...

I absolutely love the idea behind Kitterly; perhaps I'd use it less about non-jumper projects (or smaller projects, anyway), but I would absolutely love it for those. I just wish they were based closer to the UK :)

I'm also sienf on Ravelry.

Kaarina said...

Fun! Would be an awesome win!

kaijaknits2 on Ravelry

Jillann said...

What an awesome prize! Thank you! RavID jamadren

bingoblab said...

I have been enjoying the kitterly web site and I am on their email list.

California seems to be the favorite place of knitting stores, podcasters, designers, and yarn purveyors.... I just wonder what is it about the climate in California that encourages people to want to work with wool!

People from NY do appreciate Californians efforts!


Unknown said...

Kitterly looks and sounds fanatics. I'm having such a blast cruising their website. My lys is great but very small and they don't carry a lot of kits. Love it!

Shel80 on ravelry

Andrea said...

Thanks for the show! andreatl on Ravelry :)

Jersey Shore Deb said...

Bitterly is an awesome idea! Wish I had thought of it myself! Another great episode--hank you, Alana.

JerseyShoreDeb on Ravelry

dendiane said...

Going to check out Kitterly ASAP! Can't wait!

Tabatha said...

Kitterly looks like a great way to send knitter's gifts.


Maria M said...

Thank you! Looking forward to exploring Kitterly.
nysunshine on Ravelry

kiwichick1 said...

Amazing giveaway - thank you! kiwichick1 on fav

Savannagal said...

I love the kits. It would be super handy to have one in my bag. As it is now, all my gadgets are loose in the bottom of my bag.

Mangoskein said...

What an amazing giveaway!

Unknown said...

love this giveaway from Kitterly! Thanks for the chance!

Catherine said...

I'm going to check out knitterly right now.

Michaeline said...

This is the first time I have heard about Kitterly. It's a great idea. Wow!!

mikal4u2 on Ravelry

Unknown said...

I think the prize you gave out this time is amazing! I hope I win!

Unknown said...

Oh! And AmyKnitter2 on rav.

Hind DP said...

I love the sweater pattern, thank you for the giveaway!
mamamustknit on Ravelry

kazoogal said...

Kitterly is such an exciting new business idea. They have some lovely kits available. KazooGal on Ravelry

Unknown said...

Kitterly = great idea!
hebeegeebeads on Raverly

Unknown said...

how awesome!! dancinapple on ravelry

monica said...

Just perused the website. Looks like a great idea!

Unknown said...

These kits look amazing! Beautiful selection of patterns.

- snowmeltknits on Rav

Sheila said...

Kitterly has some nice kits!

SheilaOKeefe on Rav

Sally said...

What an amazing giveaway!

MuddyMoose on rav

Mrs. MacKenzie said...

What a fun idea!
pmack17 on rav

AJ said...

The kits look amazing. love the idea of an all in one purchase
blueunicorn4 on Rav

CapeCodLabby said...

A First timer here and I love the blog name. Thanks for the intro to Kitterly. What an interesting and unique approach to the marketing of knitting - just the thing for today' busy person. Good luck

Rolenestone said...

What a wonderful opportunity to experience a new fiber.

Unknown said...

Kitterly is a great idea. Thanks to you for introducing them, and to them for the generous giveaway! Doorstopper on Rav

Anonymous said...

Hi Alana,

I am drooling over Kitterly! muzzerz on Ravelry.

Anonymous said...

I was listening to this podcast on a long drive out of town. I had to make up an excuse to stop for a soda so that I could pull over and look up Kitterly.

I am thashizknit on Ravelry.

Jennifer in Ohio said...

Their kits are so amazing!
Jennifer (RavID IronicalKnitter)

Lydia said...

Awesome giveaway-lifeandyarn on Ravelry

redsknits said...

Great concept for a biz and fabulous giveaway!

RC said...

Pretty cool concept about Kitterly. I did see their booth at Stitches but didn't stop in, unfortunately. Next time!

ml said...

A lovely prize. I saw a lot of interesting projects, but your pullover was mag! Even if I don't win I plan to bit the Pattern later

Anonymous said...

Love, love, love kitterly.com! So perfect for the beginner knitter!

stacy said...

I love the podcast and am intrigued by kitterly! I am missstacyknits on Ravelry.

Rebekah said...

I'm excited to give kitterly a try. What a great giveaway. Fingers crossed!

Rav id: flutterbysong

Unknown said...

Hi! Thank you for sharing info for Yarn On The House and Kitterly. So many yarns, so many colors, so many things to knit! It's probably a good thing I don't live near a great knitting store. Hate that I'm going to miss Stitches this year - last year was my first year going and it was awesome.

Bee said...

Hi Alana
I found your blog only yesterday and am already addicted to your podcast. So far my time has permitted to listen to 3 podcasts. I love your soothing and friendly voice. Its very relaxing listening to yr podcasts. I dont think i ever saw your patterns on ravelry as i only search for top down knitting - my preferred knitting method. Thank you so much for introducing Kitterly. I will check it out later. Sunny greetings from Switzerland, Bee (aka patchworkbee on ravelry ;)

Bee said...

PS oh and thanks a ton for the generous giveaway !!!! Yay!!!!♡♥♡

shelleyo said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
shelleyo said...

Thank you for the Kitterly interview. I wondered what it was all about, and your interview answered many questions for me.
Have a fun time teaching in Mt Vernon Wa. I live in Washington and have spent time in Mt Vernon . . . The bulb fields will be full of daffodils, tulips and other bulbs at the time you will be there - it is a beautiful, colorful sight to see.

xchorse said...

Thanks for doing an episode about Kitterly, I saw them at Stitches and your beautiful sweater designed just for them which was beautiful. The only problem with Stitches is I get so overwhelmed and overloaded that I didn't realize exactly what Kitterly was doing, so I really appreciate you taking the time to do an episode on them.

Phlights of Phantasy said...

I've been to Knit Culture Studio here in LA and the yarn and service is always great! So glad to see them taking this to the next level with Kitterly!

Jill O said...

What a great idea Kitterly is! Sometimes it's hard to find a really good yarn for a project, even at a LYS and then it may have to be ordered in the right quantity. I look forward to seeing their selection grow to include even more patterns and options.

PegS said...

Thanks for such a generous giveaway! Kitterly looks perfect for someone like me who (a) does not keep a large stash and (b) is not sure what yarns make a good substitution for the pattern yarn.

Vulcan Archer said...

I love the concept of kitterly...especially since I have just found that that I have at least three new babies to knit for! I am vulcanarcher on Ravelry!

The Alaska Venhauses said...

Brilliant idea! What a great concept for knitters everywhere.
Crazy8mom on ravelry

Wendy said...

That was a nice show. I hope you have a great time in Washington State. I'm MissAdelaide on Ravelry.

Sarah said...

I enjoyed the Interview very much, such a great concept! Violet83 on Ravelry

Judi said...

Kitterly looks amazing - thanks for the opportunity to win one of their kits!

judigo on Rav

Unknown said...

Thank you for the introduction to Kitterly! It is a wonderful concept. I hope to visit their affiliated Knit Culture Studio during the L.A. Yarn Crawl later this month. Thanks also for the chance to win one of their kits....maybe your new sweater!
Arielle or alaPenelope on Ravelry

Unknown said...

Kitterly is an absolutely AMAZING concept! I will definitely be ordering a project in the very near future! I've browsed the patterns they have so far and it's incredibly exciting that they have such wonderful and amazing designers on their site. Getting giddy just thinking about it!
AccioBrain on Ravelry.

Brenda said...

Thank you for the interview with Kitterly! It is a great concept.
It was great to see you at Stitches too!
Brenda or Goodstuff on Ravelry

Anonymous said...

I tried to leave a comment with my iPhone but must have made a mistake. I'm Cowgrl on Ravelry. Thanks for the contest!

Kay said...

What a great giveaway

Kay-h on ravelry

Knitterchow said...

What a great idea and a fantastic giveaway!
Knitterchow on Ravelry

Anonymous said...

Loved the interview with Kitterly and immediately checked out their website.
WoolenGrace on Ravelry.

Robinznest said...

Oh I love kits!

anita said...

I've never heard of knitterly before! As usual, it's a dreamy giveaway and cross fingers! :)

Dieuwke said...

Kitterly is an amazing idea!
I'm dutte on Ravelry :)

Breadbun said...

What an amazing idea, love this site, thanks for introducing me to it. Stitchygirl on Ravelry

Gretchen a/k/a StampingRooster said...

Another lovely episode! and such an innovative idea for an online shop. Perfect for a knitterly gift! I'm off to check out your new pattern.

MNknitter said...

Just discovering podcasts and am excited to listen to this one today!
Thank you for sharing!
Ravelry ID is KimKnitsDaily

Emily said...

Kitterly is such a cool idea! Thanks for sharing with us. I'm frickerbasket on ravelry.

Unknown said...

Kitterly sounds like a great idea. Hope to win the free kit. spejo on ravelry

lectoratraveller said...

I'm so excited about Kitterly.com that I went to the website while listening to your podcast. Thanks, Alana. I'm thebaddeststitch on ravelry.

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