
NeverNotKnitting Podcast : Episode 8 : Facing The Felt


"The Dad Sweater" pattern

Striped Baby Berets

Evangeline Fingerless Gloves

Ruffled Jacket

Leaves Sweater


New Tweed

Sienna Cardigan

Zara Plus

Rambling Rose

Domesticat's Version

RYC Cashsoft DK

Mademoiselle Jacket

RYC Natural Silk Aran

Classic Knits

Mary's Garden Socks


Puttermeister On Ravelry

Puttermeister's Blog

NeverNotKnitting Ravelry Group

Episode 7 Drawing Winners:

1st place: Denise/CT wins Amelie sock pattern

2nd place: Ikkinlala wins Vogue Magazine

3rd place Tied: BethanyG wins Knitters Magazine

3rd place Tied: Prof. Askey wins Amelie sock pattern

Thanks Everyone! Congratulations!

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Born2knitnpurl said...

HI there,
Another great episode and story.

The first time I knit for someone (and I don't know if they will like hand made stuff), I always make sure I don't spend too much on yarn. If the person is not that excited about it, then that's their last knitted gift from me. If the person really likes it, and wears them, then its a knitted gift every year.

My mother in law loves anything I knit for her, she uses it, and when its worn off she requests more...I love it.....I love knitting her things.

One year I decided to make my dad a blanket. When it was done I gave it to him and......well....he didn't want it. I was offended, mortified, I couldn't believe it he just told me he did not want it...the time I spent making it....but in the end I am glad he told me the truth because I ended up keeping the blanket. I still have it and I use it every winter. Its a heavy blanket and I love it.

Happy Knitting!

AudKnits said...

Ooh, those Evangeline Fingerless Gloves look like fun to make, and pretty too! They're in my queue, all ready to go when you offer your class. Great choice!

Thanks for another great episode!

Anonymous said...

Great podcast as usual. I loved the story. I had a sister do the something simular at her baby shower. She opened the perfectly knit swearter (that took days to knit) got a glance of it and pushed it back in the bag without shouwing it off like the other presents. Sad but I am going to put the baby in it when I babysit for her.

ikkinlala said...

I hope to have a chance to listen to the podcast soon (and claim my prize) - it's been a crazy week here.

Denise/CT said...

Could you hear me squealing from the autumn colored hills of CT? No it wasn't because of the beautiful colors, it was because ....I'D WON!!! Wow, I'd love to get your sock pattern! I even have the yarn stashed that would be perfect for them, since your on a yarn diet I thought I'd follow suit. Thank you.

However, you are so BAD for my queue of projects, there must be 4 things I queued off the projects you shared with us. Thank you for all the links.

I love Mary's new sock pattern, yep I think your right, those would look awesome in a fall color way. Loved the story shared, reminded me that I need to think twice when knitting for others. I need to appreciate the love of the act of planning/knitting for them as much as the item that I present to them.

Keep up the great podcast!
Knit happy!

Val said...

I know exactly how you feel when it comes to giving knitted gifts. I am torn in this arena. On the one hand it feels so good to give someone something that I didn't just go buy somewhere, there was thought, time and love spent on it. On the other hand I can't help but feel let down if I don't ever see the item again (probably because it was shoved in a closet somewhere never to be seen again). So I go through my stages of to gift or not to gift. My daughter and mother in law are always appreciative so maybe I'll just knit for them!
Thanks for the podcast! It's nice to know others are going through the same thing!

Lisa Ferron said...

Loved this episode, especially Puttermeister's story! As an avid sock knitter, I am VERY picky about who I knit socks for. I put so much effort into picking out the yarn, the pattern, etc. that I want them to be cherished. I really need to just "let it go" but can we ever really do that?

Cher said...

I would love, love, love to win the sock pattern if it's not too late. I was behind on listening to my podcasts.

Dawn said...

How did I miss this episode? Great job as always!