Nothing much to see here... just a neat stack of knitted pink body parts and...

some messy tangly intarsia...
No matter what I do with intarsia it always looks this way! Ive tried bobbins, small lengths of yarn.. everything!
I think the key is to just unravel and untangle at every color change. What a pain!
hate Intarsia too!!
I haven't tried intarsia yet, and that tangled mess is probably the reason!
I have never tried intarsia....good luck!!
Yep, you gotta love intarsia! Next time I do it, I'm planning to try Eunny Jang's suggestion of 12-14 inch lengths of yarn at most and just untangle as you go.
I love those colors. What kind of yarn is that?
Nebraska Knitter
That's pretty much what keeps me away from colorwork in general.
Intarsia. Ig.
Fair isle. Yay!
i agree. intarsa is challenging and i usually try to avoid it. Can't believe it but 3 of the 4 projects I have on needles right now is color work! sheesh - how did that happen?
Can't wait to see how your little toys come out. They look darling so far!
I've had the best luck doing intarsia with bobbins and clothespins. I wrap the yarn around the bobbin, knit with a color, then using a spring clothespin pin it to my work and go on to the next color. It is a pain to pin and unpin, but no more tangles.
I'm currently working on _Big Girl Knit's_ Curvalicious Cardigan, worked in intarsia. My project is tangly, too.
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