I cannot quite convey how I excited I am to introduce this yarn to you...
This is Meringue Merino by Wool Candy in an extra special limited edition colorway!
Isn't that sooo cool?
I am so in love with this color! It's the most lovely blend of my favorite green tones.
I've started a pair of socks with it, I'll be sharing pictures very soon!
This yarn is exclusively available here through The Fiber Fix online yarn shop.
I had the pleasure of signing and writing a little message on each skein. What fun! :)
Enter to win a skein of "Never Not Knitting Green" provided by
The Fiber Fix by leaving a comment (with contact information) under this post.
Only one comment per person please.
Additionally I will also be giving away a copy of my
Both patterns would be perfect for this yarn!
The winner will be announced on April 15th, 2010, so please check back to see if you've won!
Gain an additional drawing entry by posting this phrase on Twitter.com
" I entered to win a gorgeous skein of the "Never Not Knitting Green" yarn on nevernotknitting.com! @nevernotknittin "
Drawing now closed! Winner is Pandoras Box of Fiber. Congratulations!
1 – 200 of 485 Newer› Newest»Congratulations, it's gorgeous yarn! Going to go tweet now too.
absolutely beautiful shades of green (and it's not even a color that I tend to like)
I love the personal touch that you added to it
I'd love to win! Incidentally, I'm also having a giveaway involving green yarn...but I'm not lucky enough to have the yarn named in my honor! How exciting for you!
Oh my goodness one of my FAV shades of green too!
That's gorgeous. I'll tweet that.
Lovely! That is too cool to have your own colorway.
Wow! What a dream to have a yarn color in honor of you...congratulations.
Gorgeous! I saw this yesterday--- so pretty!
That's gorgeous! I couldn't think of a more perfect colourway than such a lovely array of greens for a Never Not Knitting-inspired skein!
congratulations on the honer of having a yarn name after you. and it looks like a wonderful shade of green. and thanks for the podcast it's my evening knit along.
That's a fabulous shade of green. I'm approximately that shade with envy of the gorgeousness.
I'm not a green person, but I'm learning to love this shade -- just finished a sweater with a stripe of similar color.
Oh, I am a sucker for greens, and that is certainly a lovely one! Congrats on having one named after you! :)
The yarn looks great. Can't wait to see the socks your knitting with it.
New subscriber, and newbie knitter! Love your site, the yarn is gorgeous. :-)
Green is the best color - so lively - can't wait to make a pair of socks out of it
That is so awesome for you! I looooove those green blends. If I don't win, I may have to score a skein on my own. ;-)
Gorgeous yarn, I love that green! Fingers crossed....
That is a gorgeous green.
beautiful color!
I love the yarn color.
Well, I don't twitter but I certainly blog. And knit!
What gorgeous yarn.
This is my absolute favorite shade of green. How special to have yarn named after you!
Congratulations on getting your own limited yarn and in such a great shade for spring too.
I have tweeted as well.
That looks wonderful. No idea how to tweet though!
Chris x
What a wonderful color!
I don't tweet, but I love that yarn!
How cool that they did that! I love the greens -- so pretty! Pick me!
For this, I wish I had a Twitter account for an extra entry!¨
The yarn is beautiful. Congratulations!
Green is thye new black! And I love the colour and your patterns!
Greetings from Denmark,
Oh that green is gorgeous! Congrats! And please count me in for the draw.
You've inspired me to LOVE green. What an honor to have the yarn named after you...congrats!
That is one gorgeous colourway! Congrats!
Lovely color.
So beautiful! What an honor to have your OWN YARN!
Lovely yarn in one of my favorite colors. Would love to win this.
Gorgeous colorway!
Wow, that is beautiful yarn. Congrats!
I love green and those are beautiful greens!
What a fabulous color green!!! I love it and the excitement surrounding it!
How fun! Great green tones, I'm a fan!
Oh my! Absolutely gorgeous!
That's a really nice green!
I'm almost afraid to show it to my mom, she loves green... *g*
Wow that's great.
I love the color! And I love you got your name on it! Happy Easter!
It really is a lovely green. How special to have your own yarn. Congratulations.
Nora Brown
And thanks for the giveaway!
Congrats on having a yarn named after you. In that knitting world that means you've arrived!
Such a great shade of green, would love to win
i love green..and the molly hat pattern! thanks for sponsoring the give away!
Sounds like you and I suffer from the same addiction to green!
The yarn is lovely! *fingers crossed*
Love it!
Congratulations to you! I would love to win that skein of yarn and patterns.
pretty! i love how it was named after your blog! haha.
How cool is that!!!! That's so awesome Alana and what a perfect "green". Thank you for the wonderful giveaway opportunity :)
Another great podcast from Alana. And the color is perfect!
Absolutely beautiful! What an honor!
Love, love, love the yarn...and I love green. I don't twitter but I will shout it out on my blog and facebook. Crossing my finger until April 15.
What a gorgeous green! I'll be getting a skein even if I don't win :)
How awesome to have a yarn named after your podcast. Congrats!
How pretty - I don't think there is any shade of green that I don't like!
Kelly-ann (on Ravelry)
i've been in the mood for green lately! and those greens are so spring-filled and luscious, they make my mouth water.
Beautiful yarn! That is so neat and I'd love to win! - Kelly M.
Awesome contest; I hope to win!
How exciting about the yarn name.
What a beautiful shade of green!!!
That is such a wonderful compliment, to have a yarn color named after you! And it is the Perfect Green, in my green obsessed opinion :)
Those are very lovely shades of green. How exciting for you!
Awesome giveaway!!! And in such a lovely colorway :)
Great colour! A giveaway right around my birthday! (April 13th) very exciting!
Love the new yarn. You must feel so great!
Wow, gorgeous color!
This color is lovely- thanks for the chance to win!
OOOOH!! Beautiful!! Although green is my favourite colour so I may be biased ;)
Congratulations! What a tribute to the knitting joy you have brought to us for a skein to be named for you! And in such a beautiful color... Thanks for all that you do!
ohhhh deliciously green!
Can't wait to see those socks!
Awesome! A yarn in my favorite color & a new to me podcast!
Beautiful yarn! I'm sure it wants to come live at my house!
Very nice yarn. It should live with me.
Beautiful yarn....I wish I could have some yarn named after me!
Green, my favorite color, and Spring.. the best time of year for anything NEW.
That must be such a cool feeling!
I luv green too! congrats,lovely yarn!
OH my that is the most lovely green ever!
So pretty! What a great tie-in.
- Jodi in Chicago
I love the color green (and absolutely adore this green!) and love to knit socks. How perfect!
My favorite color!!! So exciting! Such beautiful shades! Love it!! Off to tweet it now!:)
What a gorgeous color. Congratulations.
That is so pretty... I love green... especially for spring! Thanks!
I love the colors! How cool is it to have a yarn named after you?! Thanks for the great giveaway.
Ooooh, those are some yummy greens! If I were you, I'd be hoarding it -- thanks to you and Nessa for sharing!
Great name for yarn!
It's so pretty and looks just like you! ;-) Congratulations on getting a color (sort of) named after you.
Off to tweet...
Oh, oh, OH! My all time favorite color - acid green. I's love to win!
That yarn is positively stunning!! Who wouldn't want to win it??
That is such a yummy green...how exciting that it's named after you! So springy and happy.
Your photos make my fingers "itch" to knit with this beautiful yarn.
Wow congratulations! I love green!
Ooo. I was just thinking about buying some green sock yarn.
Now that is just perfect for you Alana - I'm with you on green, can never have too much of it around (no matter what my DH says lol). What a treat to have a colourway named for you, congratulations!
Seona (Snoknits)
Ohh love it! Thanks so much for the opportunity!
gorgeous. i am quite partial to green :)
I so love green!!!
I am totally in love with all greens, but this one really is beautiful!
Gorgeous color and very appropriate name...seems like I've always got needles in my hands these days.
Love the yarn! What fun!
Melissabear on Rav
Lovely shades of green. I'd love a chance to win this yarn.
Ooh, pretty green! =] Going to go tweet now!
Congratulations! Sounds like every knitter's dream come true!
Congratulations! What gorgeous yarn and fab labels!
Beautiful! I love knitting socks more than anything else! Going to retweet now!
What a great thing to have a yarn in your name! I love the green, it's my favorite shade of green.
How fun to have yarn named after you! It's such a gorgeous green!
Alice @ http://kathrynivy.com
Lovely yarn! Green is one of my favorite colors. :) hollymariet on Ravelry
Hope I win!
Me me me! It's a beautiful color! Dromio on Ravelry.
What a great giveaway...love the color.
What a gorgeous yarn! My husbands favorite color
Love the green! Drawing on my birthday--wish me luck! Something nice for April 15!
Wow, what beautiful yarn! The green reminds me of the trees that are *just* starting to get new leaves. Gorgeous!
This would be beautiful yarn for my first pair of socks! Congratulations on the yarn.
-Liz (lizsto at gmail dot com)
Wow, what a great colour!
I would love to win a skein of this color! It's so springy! And since the skein I bought is going for socks for my mom, I was hoping to win so that I might have some socks as well....or maybe a shawlette, or how about a bolero?
Congratulations on having a yarn specially dyed in honor of you! Please be sure to post photos and give a review, since I'd like to know if the yarn really does fulfill it's promise to not pool. :)
This is a perfect color yarn for my Mom. I would love to win it for her. Thanks!
And now my daughter has showed me this beautiful green yarn,
although she said she was afraid to do so.
Because I love green colours, and this was really lovely.
It would love to join my other yarn shades in green.
I hope I win! Thanks so much for doing the giveaway!
P.S. I love your blog :)
I love it! What a great name.
Would match my eyes...
bigheidi on ravelry
That's an awesome green!!!
How cool!! It's awesome yarn...I love the colours!
I love Green!!!!
Absolutely STUNNING! What a thrill for you!
That yarn is beautiful. I love green so I have no problem with your green obsession going to tweet now.
Beautiful yarn! And what a treat!
yum! that's such a beautiful color. Off to tweet....
Oh wow, what a gorgeous color!
Love This and how exciting to have a yarn named after you.
Krista B
Ravelry ID: SewSunburst
Wow, so pretty! I adore green as well.
Congrats on the new yarn being named after u! I love the color!
Sheri from Ky
I love the green yarn!!
Green is my new blue. Looks like spring leaves. Sally
Beautiful yarn! I'm tweeting this too (@katiengibson).
Congratulations! What a great color for 'your' yarn.
Yay, I love the green!
Positively gorgeous yarn. I can see why you're so excited! I'd love to win it for myself!
My email is in my profile. Thanks!
That yarn is so beautyful! I love green!
Beautiful yarn, would love some socks or a hat out of that!! :)
Wow talk about a log of comments :-) The yarn is very pretty!! I love it!.
email: knitnpurlgurl@gmail.com
Congratulations, love the color. Have been wanting to try Wool Candy.
I just listened to your podcast this morning where you announced the new color, so perfect timing putting it up today! Love the green. So pretty. Off to Twitter now to Tweet your contest.
What a lovely green! Please enter my in the giveaway. Thank you!
Gorgeous! I'd love to win this fantastic colorway.
Please add my name to the pot! Thanks. I already have the Amelie pattern and a yarn picked out for it, but who says I couldn't make it twice?
I love sock yarn and would love to win this yarn and make another pair.
Congrats on the colourway, it's beautiful!!!
It's beautiful! I love those shades of green!
Alli Rosen
That's a beautiful shade of green, and Wool Candy rocks!
It's gorgeous!! I love that leafy green, and how wonderful to have a yarn named after you!!
You're so lucky to have yarn not only named but designed after you. Thanks for the opportunity to win such a beautiful prize!
Congratulations--that color is going to look GORGEOUS on you!!
How exciting to have your very own colorway!! I'm totally tweeting that too. ;)
Isn't Nessa just awesome? Gotta love fiber fix. ;)
Reagan (frecklegirl726 on ravelry)
Oo Oo OO!! Greenis my colour!!
jamsideup at gmail dot com
That's a beautiful colorway! I'm a huge fan of green, so that'd be an awesome addition to my stash. :D
What a gorgeous shade of green!
ikkinlala AT yahoo DOT ca
Green is my favorite color, and I love making things out of sock yarn!
The colour is so beautiful and springy!
I love green yarn. It looks really nice.
Beautiful yarn! Love your podcast. -Maryann
such pretty greens!
love your podcast! :-)
So lovely! I entered on twitter too :)
Please! So pretty!
What a perfect green!
I LOVE LOVE LOVE that color green!
I'd love to win some of that!
I love it, it's beautiful!!
I tweeted ;) @momof4munchkins
I love it! :) It's am awesome feeling to have a colorway named after you!
Beautiful yarn color! I love green too!
Ravelry name: jakelsay
It's not like I really need anymore green sock yarn.. but this is just too pretty. My email is marie.quackk@gmail.com
I really hope I win this, how cool would that be?
I love that color green, and thats so cool that its named for you!!!
I love green. It's my favorite color after a long drab winter!
Congrats on having your own yarn color!
Congratulations! I love green:)
Really beautiful green... my favorite color! Francis is NOT creepy!
gorgeous color! I have been wanting to try Wool Candy yarn. Knitting your cedar leaf shawlette now - absolutely ingenious. Love your podcast too!
Green is my FAVORITE color! It's like I am "never NOT knitting green" :)
Glad to have found a new blog/twitter to follow....!
Beautiful yarn. I am a green person - when I got married 40 something years ago avacado was the in color!!
I sent you that recipe? I have no memory of that at all! Sigh, mommy brain again. Looks good, though. :-)
Hooray for gorgeous greens!
Oh so niiiiiice! Love.Love.Love.
Great job,
Oh!!! The yarn is gorgeous!!! Congratulations. I love it. I also love the patterns. I want to win!!!
Lovely green yarn! And another great podcast episode.
Love your Green!!
Oh my that green is gorgeous!
Gorgeous yarn!
Wow your own colorway! Lovely green too.
Love the yarn....plus, green is my favorite color!
Pretty pretty green Alana! You must be so proud...:)
I'm game to try some if I'm lucky...
Beautiful yarn... hope I win.
That's awesome! I'd love to win it. Tonal green is my favorite!!
williams (dot) juli (at) gmail (dot) com
So pretty! Love the shade it really says "Alana!"
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