
Rowan Cocoon Cowl

Recently I have been receiving back garments from my test knitters practically every day!
I have been getting many of my patterns knit up for a second and third trunk show.
This way the yarn shops don't have to wait so long to display the garments.

I wish that I could do all of the knitting myself, but it's a huge job.
It's been nice receiving help with the task.
I have to admit that its kind of fun giving someone a pile of yarn
and receiving a nice neat finished garment in the mail soon thereafter.
It's like instant knitting. And its great.

And have I mentioned that it's also been a great way for me to use up some of my stash yarn?

Shawl Collared Cowl Cocoon

Here is another Shawl Collared Cowl knit by my friend CeRae.
This cowl is knit out of Rowan Cocoon yarn.
This yarn's mohair content gives the fabric a slightly fuzzy texture.
The rustic wood buttons that she chose really set off the cowl nicely.

I really like the way this looks.
Another yarn that would give a similar look would be Lamb's Pride Bulky.
But I'll let you knit that. Mohair doesn't like me much. :)


Tracey said...

Oh....I'm going to purchase that pattern...as soon as I get up enough courage to believe you that it's not beyond me. I know I can do it. I know I can do it! It's truly lovely. You are amazing.

Kelly-ann said...

I just got yarn in the mail today for this cowl. However, I need to finish the socks on the needles first - I am super monogamous :)

Nic said...

Yay! I got some of that yarn lying around. Cool.

CeRae said...

I love knitting up samples for you Alana! AND what a bonus that I get to see them photographed so nicely!
I highly recommend this pattern. I felt like I was knitting an easy pattern and getting advanced results. I also love that it knits up so quickly, would make a great gift and can be personalized with favorite buttons!

Maryse said...

It looks wonderful! I look forward to knit my Cocoon into a pair of mittens! What a great way indeed you have of de-stashing ;-) Have a great weekend!

Eenae said...

Wow that is really beautiful! I love the buttons and yarn combo and it looks fabulous with the jacket.

Anonymous said...

That's quite spectacular. Very preppy. Love it!

Madge said...

What a great idea! I find that a full scarf is too much to wear--this is so much more practical!
