
Stitches West 2012

Well.. we are back from Stitches West... or "Mommy's Never Not Knitting party" as my 6 year old daughter refers to it. :)

I have to say that despite all of the work, I had a really great time this year and am very glad that I was there.

Our booth.

With my booth-mate Lisa being 8 months pregnant and me with my 3 month old little guy.. it really was a bit of a miracle that we actually pulled it off!

I brought the little guy to the booth with me as much as possible.. but come to find out.. babies don't really like knitting conventions. Weird. 

I know that he did, however, enjoy meeting Ysolda

You might notice the star-struck look on his face. :)

My favorite thing about this year was getting to see everyone's enthusiasm for Coastal Knits. I signed many books over the weekend which was very fun!

I also found many knitters around the convention center wearing their Coastal Knits garments. I tried to track down as many as possible for a picture.

Rocky Coast sighting

Rocky Coast sighting #2

Ok.. another Rocky Coast..

And yet another!

This last knitter pictured actually spun up all of the yarn for her Rocky Coast Cardigan herself! Didn't she do such a beautiful job?

Gnarled Oak

Water's Edge

Sand and Sea Shawlette

I loved hearing this knitter's story behind her Sand and Sea Shawlette. If you own a copy of Coastal Knits, you will know that this design was inspired by the incoming tide at Morro Strand Beach. Apparently this is the exact spot where this knitter's husband proposed to her. This shawl was a sentimental knit for her and she lovingly refers to it as her "engagement shawl". I thought that was so sweet.

Rustling Leaves on Maia from Tactile Fiber Arts!
Cambrian Cowl on Carrie Sundra from Alpenglow Yarns

And Ysolda took a liking to the Wildflower Cardigan that I had on display and wore it all day on Sunday. It looks so cute on her!

 Well actually if you want the real story.. she stole it off of our mannequin. But I figure that if Ysolda likes your sweater.. that's a good thing. And if Ysolda steals your sweater.. you let her. :)

She did give it back though.. so it was really more of a borrowing.

Thanks to everyone who came up and said "hello" at Stiches this year. It was great to see all of you!


Kate (KnitsInClass) said...

Your booth looks beautiful - I am totally amazed (and impressed) that you were there with your 3 month old and that Lisa was there 8 months pregnant!

Love all the pictures of Coastal Knits in the wild.

Audry said...

Your booth was one of my favorites this year. Thanks again for signing my book!
And after giving away my Gnarled Oak cardi, I think I'll have to make another for myself. It was a joy to knit.

Cambria said...

thanks so much for doing such a beautiful wrap-up. I couldn't make it out this year, but I did have a sock there to represent me, lol. However, the sock did a poor job of filling me in on the event ;)

Unknown said...

Thank you so much for signing my Coastal Knits book! I loved your booth and I agree you both are serious troopers for managing the booth as a new mom and an 8 months preggers mom!! My one regret from stitches is that I didn't buy any of the gorgeous yarn :(

Truly Myrtle said...

Your booth looks fantastic - well done for managing all that and a small baby!!!
I thought that the cardy that Ysolda "borrowed" and the lemon waters edge cardy looked just lovely!

grandmastatus said...

Looks like you guys had a lot of fun!
I loved seeing all the handknits at stitches, too ♥

Jeanie said...

Looks like a GREAT time! Now, I wish I would have made time to go-especially since I live right down the road. Oh well, there is always next year I guess.

Sherral said...

Loved everything about this blog post because:
1) I just finished a baby sized Gramps Cardigan (like, it's blocking as I type). So seeing your little guy in his made me happy.
2) I've never been to a knitting convention, and your photos look so fun.
3) I love Ysolda and yes, if she steals your sweater, you let her get away with it, lol! And of course she WOULD pick the Wildflower Cardi- with it's perfect blend of style, simplicity, and wimsy. Right up her alley I think.
So fun!

Brenda said...

Congrats on a great booth. I wasn't there this year as I went to Madrona instead.
Your baby is adorable ! Good thing Ysolda didn't decide to borrow *him*!

Brenda (Goodstuff on Rav)

Suzanne said...

I wish I could have gone to Mommy's NNK party. I'm so happy it was such a success for you.

Ellen said...

The photo of your little boy with Ysolda is just too precious! I think they're both a bit starstruck!

Cindy said...

Loved meeting you and already have my yarn for the beret and gnarled oak cardigan. I plan to make the rocky coast sometime this year. Watch for it on Ravelry.

Paula said...

looks like such fun...wish I could have gone!

Evelyn said...

Wish I could have been there ... thanks for sharing all those wonderful pictures. So nice to see all those knitters in their lovely Coastal Knits!

Kristen Rettig said...

Oh, I am so glad you were there too! Your booth was so pretty and so busy. I'm also amazed that as busy as you both are, you still pulled it off and looked effortless! I'm glad I wore my Water's Edge, tho I had a few more from Coastal Knits that I could have worn!

Maryse said...

Ysolda rules! Sounds like it was a lot of fun! I've seen so many photos on the blogs! Congratulations! Many people enjoyed your presence too it seems ;-)

Unknown said...

Wow! You must have had a wonderful time, and feeling so proud and happy seeing the designs knit up and worn by all these lovely ladies!

Fleur Cotton said...

Oh how lovely... you must have been in knitting heaven!!

How great to see people in your designs - very inspiring.

I love it when I've see my own handknits that I've sold actually being worn ...it really makes it all worth while.

Happy Knitting
Fleur x

drMolly, the BeanQueen said...

All of the examples from the book were wonderful. I can hardly wait 'til I get the time to begin one for myself - but now it's going to be 'OH SO HARD' to choose!

Kimberly said...

I let out an audible wimper as i viewed the picture of your little guy with Ysolda. My heart just melted. He is so cute, and in that little sweater. Eek! so cute.

Unknown said...

looks like you had an amazing time alana! your knits look perfect on everybody!

lily x

char said...

My husband and I both loved your booth! He wanted me to get you to sign some of the patterns we bought when we saw you, but I chickened out. Starting on the Seedling hat tonight!

Annette said...

"Mommy's Never Not Knitting party"
Love it!

And what a nice party it must have been, too! ;)

Anonymous said...

oh, how I wish I could have seen you. My friend did get my book signed, so I'm quite happy about that. I'm still working on my rustling leaves, so perhaps I'll get that done in time for next year. I'm glad that you had a good time!

Lori said...

Oh, my goodness, I could say so many things ... but the one I HAVE to say is that little boy of yours is SO PRECIOUS! He is so cute! And of course, he's still the best-dressed guy around. Absolutely priceless! (And I admire you in the extreme for taking him with you.) :)


Paula said...

Bought your book at Rampunzel in Frankenmuth MI! Yeah...now to decide!

Kate said...

Ooooh look at Little Man in his Gramps!!!! Your booth looks fantastic & how fun to spot all those Coastal Knits out and about.