
Work-At-Home Mom

My "office"

Yep. That's me. I am a work-at-home Mom of two little ones. I just had to snap a picture of my 
"knitting chair" today because I felt it well represents my life at this time.

Between the day to day children/cleaning/family/work juggling act I feel that I am working constantly, but accomplishing little. I joke with my friends that I am now knitting at a rate of one row per day.

I have had to become an expert at the fine art of multitasking. 
Right now I am typing this blog post one handed with a baby in my arms.

It's a crazy life for sure.. But I'm glad to have these little people around me during the day.
Although our days can be hectic and somewhat exhausting, I know that deep down I wouldn't want it any other way.

Because.. someday they will be all grown up.. and I know that I will miss playing barbies while feeding a baby and typing an email and making dinner..



Christina said...

My daughter's 14 and yes, absolutely you will miss it one day.

moleymakes said...

Yes, you will miss these days. I certainly do. I used to play Barbies, Action Men, shops, restaurants etc.

I really enjoyed my children when they were small. It doesn't last long so make the most of it. They're not so accommodating once they get to their teens and beyond.

Janelle said...

Absolutely Alana! Children are a blessing. yours are so beautiful.
Enjoy every moment, even the difficult ones! I'm a grandmother now, I know of what I speak ;D

Anonymous said...


You'll never regret these days spent with your kids, while many regret not having chosen to do so.

And I echo the sentiments: it goes really fast. No, I mean it, while each day can sometimes crawl in a neolithic parody, in the aggregate the season is done in a flash.

Good for you's that you're taking the time to be with the kids!

Zenitude said...

Don't doubt it one minute...you will miss it once they're grown. But then that void will be filled when the grandchildren arrive...oh what bliss!

BCGramma said...

How absolutely adorable. That toothless grin is so very sweet. That's a picture that needs to be enlarged and framed.

WhitMc said...

That picture is priceless, well both pictures are. I often say that I would love to have a week alone in a cabin with my knitting...but the reality is, it would be pretty boring without my 20-month old grabbing it and shouting "KNI! KNI! YARN!"

A Life of Knitting said...

You are truly blessed.

Jamie said...
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Jamie said...

Oh, cozy!!! Mine are 2 and 4, but already I miss the pacifiers. Seeing one there on your knitting chair floods me with memories, and it's only been a year since we ditched them. We are fortunate, I believe, to be able to stay home with our children...

Ruby Girl said...

I wish that was my work area. And they will grow so quickly and you will have plenty of time for more things you want to do before you know it. They are precious days you have now with them....enjoy!

Daniela said...

Yes, absolutely!! You will miss this period your children's life.
My Martina is 16 and it's unbelievable how the time has gone!!

Tracy said...

What gorgeous babies, love to see their sunny smiles! Yes it does go ridiculously quickly. My babies have somehow got to 18 and 16. Gorgeous though they still are those baby days are so special....

penelope10 said...

Beautiful children! Yes, treasure the moments. My daughter is having a baby in September and I am over the moon happy to experience a little one again!

Lori said...

Yes, you will miss it! Mine are 30 and 32 now (yikes), and while I thoroughly enjoy them as adults, I do miss the time when they were small even though it was 100% hectic every single day. And even though I can now knit as much as I want to with no interruptions, sometimes a little interruption would be really nice, ya know?

Enjoy whatever phase they're in while you can, because it will pass quickly!

They are sooooooo beautiful. :)

Evelyn said...

Absolutely right ... One of mine is almost on his way to college and I can hardly believe it. Love your "office." I have a similar one I get to work in at night! ;)

camby said...

Absolutely! Play Barbies and army guys and everything. It'll be gone too soon! I miss it so!

Annette said...

Carpe Diem!

It's a wonderful time - but trust me, it's great when they grow up, too!

Fleur Cotton said...

Yes enjoy it! They aren't little for long.

I find I actually thrive on multi tasking! Wouldn't change it or the world.

Happy juggling,
Fleur xx

Judi A. said...

Beautiful happy children, so you're doing something right. :-)

Michwelle said...

Yes, you'll miss these moments, especially playing "Mermaid" Barbie : )

Maryse said...

You could not be more right!!!

Blonde said...

These days are incredibly precious! Take advantage of every second, they grow up so very fast! :-)

Meg said...

Oh, you will, you will!! Even though each day may seem long, the time flies by. I was lucky enough to just spend 3 days with my 8 year old granddaughter and got to teach her how to sew 2 skirts and I'm flooding with the memories of my wonderful times with her father and brother. They are wonderful as adults but so special as children!

Amy T said...

I can assure you, you will miss this. My kids are now 13 and 12 and still the joys of my life. But they are pretty independent and that is wonderful. I still miss the days of our big pile of snuggles in the middle of the day, even though I needed to be doing a hundred other things. I wouldn't change a thing!!!

Kristen said...

I can completely relate. I'm a stay-at-home mom, homeschool teacher, and accountant. But I wouldn't trade it for anything.

Love that yarn - what is is?

aikelsey said...

Absolutely! Baby girl graduates from college in 5 weeks while baby boy wraps up his freshman year in college ... take LOTS of pictures!