
The BIG Botanical Knits Yarn Giveaway!

I am so appreciative of all of your enthusiasm for my new book, Botanical Knits
I am thrilled by how many projects  I see popping up on Ravelry.
I am overjoyed by all of your wonderful comments.
Thank you!

I have a little something for you in return...

A chance to win this big ole pile of yarn!

Included in this gigantic giveaway is...

-9 skeins of Brooklyn Tweed Shelter in Meteorite, enough to make up to size 44.5" of the 

-4 skeins of Classic Elite Yarns Magnolia in Spring Green for the Wrapped in Leaves Shawl.

-1 skein of Miss Babs "Yummy" 2 ply sock yarn in Funny Papers to make either the Ivy Trellis Socks or Mittens

-1 skein of Blue Sky Alpacas Suri Merino in Harvest to make the Forest Floor Hat.

-2 skeins of Berroco Ultra Alpaca Light in Pea Soup Mix to make the Spring Foliage Mitts.

-2 skeins of Fibre Company Tundra in Mink to make the Twin Leaf Loop.

All yarns for this giveaway have been kindly contributed by the individual yarn companies. (Thank you!)

This is a whole lot of yarn and many hours of botanical knitting. To enter to win these fabulous skeins, please leave a comment (including your contact information) under this post by Midnight PST, March 10th. 
Only one comment per person please.

I will be announcing the winner on the blog on Monday, March 11th.

To gain an additional entry, post this phrase on Twitter:

"  I entered to win the Big Botanical Knits Yarn Giveaway on . You should enter too!  "

This is a joint-giveaway with Veronika Jobe from the Yarn On The House blog. She has even more Botanical Knits yarns on her site for you to enter to win, so be sure to head on over there next!
Click HERE.

Thanks everyone!



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mnm1022 said...

What an amazing giveaway! Would love to win! michele(dot)n(dot)brinkert(at)gmail(dot)com

(lia) said...

Wow! Such an awesome loot! Thanks for the chance!

rebecca said...

wowzers! This is such a generous giveaway! I would love to win. Love all of the designs!

Raitalammas said...

Oh dear! I love those yarnskeins! It would be more than nice to be the winner.

(My email adress is lankahamsteri@gmail.com)

Lacey said...

Whoa! That is a load of yarn. I would die to open that big ol' box of happy! :D venutianbeauty on rav

BB said...

OH MY GOODNESS! This almost made me swoon! bsbatting@yahoo.com

Chppie said...

Such a nice book you've created and so nice of you to share yarn to go with.

Erica said...

I would love to win! (christensenerica(at)yahoo(dot)com)

Emily said...

What a generous giveaway! I'm BookcaseHat over on Ravelry.

Chris Nelson said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Savannagal said...

I love your new book. Such gorgeous designs. Thanks for the giveaway!

torirot said...

I'm in!! What a fantastic give away :-)

Lynette said...

What an awesome giveaway! I would LOVE to win one of them. My email address is passionknit@gmail.com. Thanks!

Unknown said...

Wow! What an amazing giveaway :-)
I'm ride2fly on Ravelry

Warren said...

Such beautiful designs! Thanks for such a generous giveaway! warrenagee(at)gmail(dot)com

Unknown said...

Awesome giveaway! Thanks!

Jen said...

Beautiful! Hope I win!!

April Marie said...

How awesome! This is amazing!
BlondieismynameO on Ravelry :)

Sara said...

That would be so spectacular to win! Thank you!

Beth said...

So pretty. Would love to win. bpnj on ravelry.

Unknown said...

How very generous and exciting! I would love to make your garments with the exact yarn you used!

Ravelry name is knitswithgodiva

Renee Anne said...

Awesome! I won't win but I think it's great for whoever does!

Melissa said...

What a generous giveaway!
MelMcMen on Rav

Sarah said...

Great giveaway! Good luck to everyone.

Robyn said...

Wonderful! Thank you for your generosity!

Sarah V. (Barf Green Is Best) said...

Holy cow, what an insanely gorgeous pile of yarn! I am SO enchanted with Botanical Knits, I would love to win :)
(SarahVV on Rav)

Anonymous said...

Wow, what an awesome giveaway! That's a ton of yarn and anyone would be lucky to get even a smidge of it. Thanks for the opportunity and for the beautiful patterns :)


Ruthanna said...

Wow...that would be wonderful.

Lydia said...

oh yea! yarn! (lifeandyarn)

Anonymous said...

I've already pre-ordered the print book so have the PDF too. But am waiting to get some great yarn to start working with! I'm @srhlib on Twitter or ShadowAP on Ravelry. Such gorgeous yarns! Squee!

Unknown said...

Wow! Would love to win! So many options of new projects!

Glana Ricci said...

Hey Hey I´m here!!! I have a chance??

Pushpa said...

Congratulations again on book of gorgeous knits! And what a generous giveaway - thanks for the opportunity to win this yummy haul of yarn.

pushpa26 (rav)

jillian said...

what an amazing giveaway! congrats on the book release alana!!!

heather said...

How amazing, thank you so much Alana!

Pam Sykes (aka Pretty Knitty) said...

What a luscious pile of lovely you have there! I'm PKJewelry on Ravelry!

Unknown said...

Congratulations on this amazing collection! It is beautiful!

peatmoss83 at hotmail dot com

Anonymous said...

Wonderful giveaway! Pick me! Pick me! I'm SuzyZim on Ravelry

Gitte said...

Wow Wauv, what a lovely giveaway, i dont know if i can participate when i live in denmark, but I Hope so

Cathie said...

Ooo me me please *jumps up and down waving* so gorgeous :)
Caffeechino on twitter

Unknown said...

That is an awesome pile of yarn! I'm allgreek2me on Ravelry.

Lucy said...

That's an amazing giveaway! I love your patterns and would love the chance to make so many with such great yarn.

Lucy21780 @ Ravelry

Becky said...

so beautiful! would love these and def use them quick! beckysuepearson(at)gmail(dot)com

Blonde said...

Wow! What a scrumptious offering!!! raymondegagnier@gmail.com

Fabiknits said...

Drool... This pile of yarn has my name on it. :)

Rav id: fabiknits

michelle said...

What an amazing stash! And of course I want to knit every single Botanical Knit!

EWeber said...

I would love to win. I went right out and bought the paper copy after I listened to your podcast about it. I kinda checked the botanical knits website everyday until I could actually buy it.... Anyhoo... I'll just enter here as I don't have a twitter account.

Unknown said...

Amazing!!!! I'd love to win.

JavaPurl on Ravelry

Iva said...

I love the book. I have benn looking throuh patterns on Rav...and thinking...wow I would like to make that...and that...and that... I wish I´d win.Buenosdias on Rav

Christa said...

Your book is lovely. I want to knit everything!

Rachelle said...

Ooh, would love to win this! Sewsable on Rav

Jennifer said...

Wow! What an amazing giveaway! I can't wait to get started on some Botanical Knits!

Unknown said...

My goodness, that is a big ol' pile of yarn! AmandaLynA on Ravelry. Wonderful color selection - thanks for the chance to win!

Unknown said...

What an awesome giveaway! I love cruising through your booth at Stitches West. cvmccuaig at yahoo dot com

Kathleen said...

What an incredible giveaway! Such gorgeous yarn! Count me in!

katbetty on Ravelry

(wish me luck ;) )

kjramstack said...

Such earthy colors - I love it! Thanks for the chance to win!

kjramstack at yahoo dot com

Jenn said...

Wow - such a generous giveaway! Thanks for the opportunity to enter. :)

(I'm knitwisepurlwise on ravelry)

peruser said...

omgosh. all we have to do is leave a comment? well here it is! thanks for the chance to win such a delicious prize!

rav id: peruseratlarge

Kelly said...

Ehrmahgad! I want to win yarn! What a great and gorgeous selection:)

acornarts said...

Wow! What a great giveaway! Thanks for collecting it all together.

MakenzyB said...

What a great giveaway! I would love to win it.

amchart said...

I think winning all that yarn would cause me to become faint! Your book is lovely, and I hope to get myself a copy when the budget will allow. Thanks for the chance to win. Rav amchart theharts at windstream dot net

Toby said...

Oh. My. Stars. What an early Happy Spring this would be! So generous and lovely!

0ctober on Ravelry (first O is a 0)

Joan and Kevin said...

Thanks for the giveaway!
What a GREAT giveaway!

Sarah said...

Fabulous giveaway!!! Simbaswing on Rav.

Unknown said...

I am wearing my hat from this book right now and I have yarn for a sweater. This would be awesome to win!

SnohoTina said...

Wow, what a great give away. Would love to knit some of your beautiful patterns. I'm SnohoTina on Ravelry.

Anonymous said...

Holy Smokes!! This is better than Publishers Clearinghouse!!

Drae said...

What a fantastic giveaway!If I'm the lucky winner I can be reached on Ravelry at alcbrooks

Doula Mommy said...

What a lovely giveaway! WOW!!! Beautiful designs and gorgeous yarn!
~Jessica, MonkeyButtBabies on Ravelry

Unknown said...

Oh this would be so much fun to do! wickedladybear (at) gmail (dot) com

Ella Wong said...

What a huge giveaway- thanks!

(ellabobella on Rav)

Anonymous said...

What an excellent giveaway. I would love to win - just bought the book last week and started my first pattern, and having more yarn to knit the rest would be amazing!

*bysarah on ravelry

Rachael said...

Oh my goodness, what a giveaway!

Unknown said...

The prize is almost as amazing as the book! Fingers crossed...

Bionickristie on Plurk, Twitter and Ravelry

butnostephanie said...

is it bad form to drool? who cares, i wanna be bad! beautiful yarns and patterns!

Rav id: butnostephanie

zx said...

Fingers crossed! (kakeller at gmail.com)

katherinelynn_04 said...

Excellent giveaway! A lot of those yarns are ones I've been wanting to try (but unfortunately a sweater's worth of Shelter isn't in my budget!). And your patterns are lovely as always!

katherinelynn_04 at yahoo dot com

jdbknits said...

I bought the book and can't wait to begin a project! All of the patterns are so beautiful! Thank you for the opportunity!

Chadah said...

Wow! have never won a thing but maybe this time?! :-) Laurel Bryan, lbsunflowers on ravelry

littlejess said...

This is amazing! Congrats on your success with your fantastic book! My contact info is littlejess121@hotmail.com :)

Sarah-potterknitter said...

Beautiful! Thanks for the giveaway.

Erin said...

Beautiful patterns! And can you believe I've never knit with any of those yarns?!

rav id: luci99

Debbie said...

WOW! What awesome prizes! Thanks!
gussek on Ravelry

Rebecca Barnes said...

How fabulous of you! rebecca.barnes@comcast.net

TracyC611 said...

Oooooh what lovely yarn!


eleyne said...

I've bought the book and am weighing whether to knit the twigs and willows or the autumn's end. decisions! thank you so much for these gorgeous patterns....

Anonymous said...

Love the book! Love the yarn! Thank you for the chance to win.

Anonymous said...

Awesome giveaway, Alana!
tlobner on ravelry

Vallee fam fave recipes said...

Amazing! I'd love to be able to knit any of these patterns with those wonderful yarns!

Kristen said...

What a generous giveaway! The Botanical Knits designs are all gorgeous. twistedtexan on rav.

kleggett said...

Fantastic book, beautiful yarn, I'd love to win.

akaemi said...

I haven't been so in love with all of the patterns in a book since ... I can't even remember! Would love to win the yarn so I can work my way through the book. :-)

aikelsey said...

Beautiful patterns and a lovely giveaway - many thanks for both!
kelsey1p2 on Rav

Abigail said...

Thanks for the great giveaway!
aginma on ravelry

Julie White said...

OMG, I hope I win. AWESOME!!

Caranam said...

Oh my pretty yarns! Thank you so much for offering up this giveaway!


Le said...

Beautiful yarn and beautiful patterns...I would stop lusting and start doing if I won!

Karen said...

what an amazing giveaway!
or kkpwnall on ravelry

Ally said...

Look at all that gorgeous yarn! I'm trying not to drool. allykschneider(at)gmail(dot)com

Amanda said...

Oh my goodness. Beautiful!

Runningscheer@gmail.com said...

What a beautiful pile of yarn. Thanks for the chance to win it.

Anonymous said...

So many yarns!

I've already been eyeing a couple of patterns and they're in my queue. All I need is the yarn for them!

hbqueen said...

would love to make any of those projects!

Anonymous said...

Please forgive the second post-- I am steviewonder on Ravelry.

Alex said...

I don't know if I've already said this somewhere or not, but congrats on the book, it is absolutely beautiful!

I think this thing will link to my blog but if not- alextinsley on ravelry :-)

Anonymous said...

Thanks for this amazing giveaway! Can't wait to knit some of the gorgeous designs in Botanical Knits. (I'm rambling.rosesATgmailDOTcom)

Dana said...

Wonderful!! What a giveaway!! :) isenbergersfriesnburgers(at)gmail(dot)com

Viki said...

So much gorgeous yarn. What a fantastic giveaway.

Ravname: viki

JodyH said...

I love ALL the patterns in this book! I can't wait to make some of them!

Pensamientos Marcianos said...

Whoa! This is awesome! *Imagines she gets all this yarn in the mailbox*. *Drops dead*.
Thanks for a great giveaway.

Megan said...

Holy Moly! What a giveaway!
This is amazing!
I am Sugarlaneknits on Rav

MoNi96 said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Ryan said...

Oh oh oh oh! PICK ME PICK ME PICK ME!!

MoNi96 said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Emilie said...

Thanks for this very nice giveaway

Jan Bode Smiley said...

Wow - what a fantastic collection of yarn! Hope it'll be me - March 11 is the day my dad died many years ago, so if I win, it won't always be a sad day..... janbsmiley AT gmail

Caren E. said...

Thank you for the chance to win this!It's all so lovely! everettcm@hotmail.com

Melissa said...

This is an amazing giveaway! Thank you so much!! melxcloud on Ravelry

MoNi96 said...

Greetings from Austria! Love your great book and designs!

And thanks for the giveaway - the yarns aren´t available here...


bellasocks said...

omg...beyond amazing!! My email is asitero@gmail.com

purlsandknit said...

What a lovely give away! Thank you for offering it.

Unknown said...

What beautiful designs and such a lovely collection of yarn! I have admired these beautiful patterns since they were first on Ravelry and would love to knit them!

knitnetty said...

Oh, how exciting! I would love to win some of this lovely yarn.
I love your new book. I really want to knit all designs in it ;)
(I am knitnetty on ravelry.)

ysabelh said...

amazing book! :) Thank you.

Unknown said...

what an amazing giveaway! fingers crossed! mediaperuana at gmail

Grace said...

Holy Moses! What a gift! Drooling all over the keyboard.

Grace said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

Wow, what a generous giveaway! I love the cloche - it is so classy...

Unknown said...

Thank you for the chance to win all that beautiful yarn!! It would be so much fun to see what creation I could make. Thanks again, Rectangle6x9@comcast.net

Kylie said...

What a haul!

Monica said...

Great patterns, lovely yarn!

Unknown said...

Looks spectacular! IntrepidOtter

Unknown said...

I am already knitting an Oak Trail hat to match a sweater with Oak leaves. Love all these patterns. Good job!
SareBearKnits on ravelry

Ishton said...

If I could pick out one contest to win....this is IT! I want to be the winner!! Thanks for giving us all a chance. therunges@yahoo.com
Ishton on Ravelry

T.M. said...

Ooooooh sign me up please! I'm Knitsensei on Ravelry.

Jules said...

What an amazing prize!
Rav I'd:Julesbr

Stirling said...

Those yarns are all so pretty! Count me in, please!

Unknown said...

wow, amazing giveaway! I'm in!

Melanie said...

Would love to win this!


Flo said...

*faints* As if your eBook wasn't enough!

Meg Roke said...

Wowsers! What a generous giveaway! Thanks for the chance:) (Mooch on Ravelry)

Marilyn a.k.a. Merry said...

Wow! That's a ton of yarn. All gorgeous.
wahoomerryf on Rav

Flo said...

*faints* Yarn! As if your eBook wasn't enough!

Kim said...

WOW!!! This is amazing! Thanks for a chance to win this package.

Leslie J said...

Fantastic giveaway. So gorgeous! I'm going to cross my fingers...

Toby said...

What an amazing giveaway! I'd love to throw my lot in... :) gizmometer on ravelry.

Unknown said...

O M G I just want to faceplant in that fluffy pile of yarn! LOVE the book, too! Some awesome knits in there that I'll have to whip up.

Cheryl said...

Oh. My. Goodness! That is beautiful. I would love to see that arrive at my house... perhaps at the same time as the book I ordered??? :)

cherylmac on ravelry

Heather said...

What a fantastic give-away!! My fingers are already itching to get started. Thank you Alana and to all the yarn companies involved -- nice way to beat these February blahs:))

Janelle said...

That is an amazingly beautiful pile of yarn - so well curated. I'm crossing my fingers!

MrsMommyB said...

Thanks for hosting such an awesome giveaway - mrsbouchtobe@gmail.com

MrsMommyB said...

tweeted here: https://twitter.com/MrsMommyB/status/307245365164400642 - mrsbouchtobe@gmail.com

Joanne said...

Swoon! What a giveaway! Oh! That I should be so lucky to win.
Fingers are firmly crossed, and I'm ever hopeful.

missmuffetnz on Rav

Zenitude said...

Great giveaway! Your book is so great, everything is really nice but I especially love the cardigans!
Rav: zenitude
email: zenitude(at)live(dot)ca

Anonymous said...

Love the designs, especially the spring foliage mitts! I have a friend who's knit several pressed leaves hats and they are all gorgeous. Thank you for running such a generous giveaway!

My email address: rgrant28@yahoo(dot)com

Amanda said...

Wow! I haven't tried most of that yarn before, and would love the opportunity to use it with some of your patterns!
Ravelry: littletigercat

Now Am Found! said...

what a GENEROUS giveaway. I was happy to tweet it! here is the url for the tweet https://twitter.com/nowamfound/status/307246107103219713
thank you for such a great blog, i always learn something and get inspired too

Meg said...

This would be AMAZING to win! I've never won anything, ever..

Alane said...

That is one huge heap of stash.

I think Alana has such a great eye for picking the right yarn that really makes her patterns shine.

Steven said...

How fun! That's a lot of lovely yarn. I tweeted this, too! You can reach me at stevenself(at)gmail(dot)com when I win (no pressure!)

Debbi J said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
RegencyKnitter said...

Awesome!! Amazing giveaway and beautiful designs as usual, Alana.

Sheila said...

That is an amazing pile of yarn! I would so love to win it.

Meg said...

YES PLEASE!!! I am dying to try some of these, esp the Brooklyn Tweed yarn. :)

Sarah said...

Beautiful yarn! startjumpin@gmail.com

Erin said...

Your new book is so inspiring. The giant pile of yarn is awesome too!
TactileErin on ravelry

Ginger said...

Wow! That's a lot if yarn! Hope I win.

Jamie Wang said...

Holy cow! Many thanks to all the generous donors!

Debby said...

Swoon! So generous a prize to win. As if the delightful patterns you create and allow us to knit as well isn't very generous. I'd love to win...oh my!
knittingrandma on ravelry

Paleo said...

beautiful yarn to go with beautiful patterns

Unknown said...

Oh yes please! This would be wonderful. Helen (dot) Lyon (dot) Dixon (at) gmail (dot) com

knitterbeader said...

What beautiful yarns!!! Looking forward for the chance top knit up one of your patterns.

harriet said...

Wow, what beautiful yarns and patterns!

I'm bloomgirlknits on Ravelry.

Cher said...

What a gorgeous giveaway and a wonderful complement to your beautiful book!

Unknown said...

Wow! A gorgeous stash of yarn to go with a gorgeous collection of patterns? That is knitting heaven right there :) Thank you! Love your work Alana - congratulations. I'm TangledMeg on Ravelry (and I am soooo knitting your patterns).

Cecilia said...

That looks like a heavenly prize! Thanks for sharing this with us.

Misty said...


Skye said...

What an amazing giveaway! I've got all my fingers and toes crossed for this one! Skyefraser(at)me(dot)(com)

Wendy Weber said...

I have your new book, but cannot decide which to knit first! I love them all.

KnitKnock17 on Ravelrey

momsue84 said...

What a wonderful and generous giveaway! Thank you!

Rav name: momsue84

Ellen said...

This is the most amazingly generous giveaway! I love Botanical Knits and would so love to win this yarn to knit your beautiful patterns. Thank you, Alana!

shpizl on Ravelry

Anonymous said...

I am MomMomHarbor@gmail.com; my granddaughter's birthday is on March 11 and she is receiving the Annie and the Swiss Cheese Scarf set for her birthday. How awesome would it be if I won this yarn!!! Either way, I love your designs and patterns.

Christina Lowry said...

Oh, you do know the way to a knitters heart - produce an amazing collection of patterns and then offer beautiful yarn to go with it. Swoon!

Marina said...

Whoa! This is huge! I am not skipping this one:) Thank you for the chance to win such a great prize!

Anonymous said...

Ah! Gorgeous! I put in a request for the library to order the book. I hope they get it! I was planning on waiting 'til June to get it (when I'll be in the States).

Thank you for such a lovely blog, a lovely book, and a lovely giveaway!

(My screen-name is also my email at gmail as well as my rav name)

DebbieKnits said...

Cool!!! dmarkdebh@comcast.net

knitterlydesigns said...

Wow! What a prize. I have the e-book, and I plan to make every item.

knitterlydesigns on Ravelry

Lisa Olson said...

Wow! Beautiful yarns...thanks for the chance to win!

roansmama said...

Awesome! Jillwest2005@hotmail.com

BoxySweaterGal said...

What amazing prizes. I'd be thrilled to win any of them. And I'd definitely use it to knit something from my copy of Botanical knits

Ginny said...

What a generous giveaway! ginnylambda(at)gmail(dot)com

Jessica said...

This would make my year! Thanks for organizing such an awesome giveaway!

RC said...

What a fantastic giveaway! :)

Carol said...

Thank you for this giveaway! I love the book so much and have several BK projects either finished or in progress!

Gardendeeva on Ravelry

Krista said...

Love this! Just so amazing
knitonepugtwo @ gmail . com

moniru said...

Fabulous! Just like everything Alana does. -moniru on Ravelry.

Weekend Housewife said...

What a great giveaway!!! I can totally see myself spending days and days on these projects!

WeekendHousewife on Ravelry.

anarmchairbythesea said...

Amazing giveaway, beautiful yarn :-) Would love to win it! caveofcraftedwonders(at)gmail(dot)com

Unknown said...

Fabulous yarn giveaway! I could do a lot of charity knitting with this yarn. Many thanks!

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