
A New Knitted Friend

Here are some pictures of my daughter with her new knitted horse friend!

She loves him so much and has told me so every day since this day, the day I gave him to her and took pictures.

He is just the right size for her, big enough to be a soft squishy toy to love and hug.

The pattern for this horse is out of the book Dream Toys by Claire Garland. This is the second toy project I've knit by this designer. Earlier this year I knit up some of her Knitted Babes which are super cute as well.
This horse knit up relatively fast on size 5 needles and I used Sirdar Calico yarn which was a surprisingly soft springy yarn for only around $5 a skein! I like it so much that I would consider making some children's garments from it in the future. It's just your basic cotton/acrylic blend....machine washable....cheap....perfect.
I used Rowan Kid Silk Haze for the mane, and I love the look of it!

This little guy has just so much personality. His big knobby knees and felted embroidered face make him so loveable and unique!

Isn't it funny that I think that knitting is so easy, but embroidery totally freaks me out?
To me, that was the hardest part of this whole project.
Once I gave her that horse, she was so excited to take him with her on some adventures!

......She tried riding it, but that didn't work out so well.....

When she was tired of playing with her new horse, she tried to put him down for a nap.....

But he was so much more comfortable in her bed.....


knitbot said...

This is the cutest knit toy I have ever seen!! I love him.

Anonymous said...

After listening to your podcast, I had to come see your daughter's horse, and it's even cuter than I thought it would be! The last photo is just too sweet too. :)

sweetp said...

Awww love that last shot!!

Cathi said...

So cute, Alana.

Phyllis said...

So sweet. Your daughter's voice was so sweet on Episode 4. Thanks for all the photos. I'm going to have to make one, too!

Natalie Rush said...

I just listened to you talk about this horse and you're so right!! it's adorable!! Glad you got it done!! great pictures. Also thanks for the great podcast!!! I love the theme song and everything!! Keep up the great work!

woolly1 said...

This is darling! You might convince me to knit a toy after all!!!!

Arianwen said...

That is adorable! I hope they have some wonderful adventures together.

Dawn said...

Love all the pics but the last is just adorable! I've got to get this book too...love the character the horse has.:)

Jennifer said...

Both your daughter and the horse are super cute! I appreciate how organized your podcast is.

KnittingBlueContent said...

Great photo shoot of your daughter and her horsey!

ajdury on ravelry

MsKnitSew said...

I like the theme song but have decided never to let my husband and kids hear it:). My family loves to tease me about knitting and the song would add fuel to their fire. I can just hear them all singing the song everytime they see me with knitting needles.

Julie said...

I love this horse, I have knitted the fairy out of this book and really wanted to do the unicorn. It looked a bit advance for me, but your horse looks so cool and very loved, that I may have to give it a go. Great blog by the way....X

Luneray said...

That's great and the best compliment a knitter could ever get. :)

EL said...

Love the horse & your daughter is beautiful. I'm enjoying your podcast thanks for all your hard work.

Stephanie said...

Was looking at your show notes while listening to your first podcast. LOVE the little horse so much I'm getting the book. Great job with the podcast. I will be a regular listener.